A3 Scotland 2024

Committee Member Biography

Gregg Arthur

Aquaculture Manager, UHI Shetland and KE Officer, UHI

Gregg began his career in aquaculture in 1997 as a college lecturer at the North Atlantic Fisheries College and has remained dedicated to the aquaculture sector ever since.

His work has increasingly focused on research and development projects, particularly relevant to Shetland’s aquaculture activities, including the development of facilities and methodologies for rearing cold-water marine finfish and shellfish, managing sealice, cleanerfish, and gill disease, and collaborating on various life sciences projects.

Gregg has also delivered various aquaculture-related vocational and professional courses and educational qualifications ranging from NPA to MSc and a PhD supervisor.

As a Senior Biologist at NoCatch Ltd. and Johnson Marine Ltd., Gregg was involved in the commercial production of juvenile cod.

Currently, as Aquaculture Manager, Gregg’s responsibilities include supporting the as UHI Aquaculture Hub the Knowledge Exchange Coordinator, as well as supporting the shellfish sector through various innovation projects as well as exploring new techniques for the real time monitoring of phytoplankton and HABs in aquaculture settings using Imaging FlowCytobots and AI.

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