A3 Scotland 2024

Speaker Biography

Jim Wilson

Jim Wilson

Farmer and Director, SoilEssentials Ltd

A leading figure In Precision Agriculture, Jim Wilson is both a farmer and the Managing Director of Soilessentials Ltd. He has been running the family farm at Hilton

of Fern in Angus, Scotland since the early eighties. A typical Scottish Arable Farm it has hugely variable land, both in terms of soil type and topography. In 1996 he

began collating data collected from a variety of soil, canopy and yield sensors . Over the years he has been an invited speaker at many conferences and congresses

ranging from international agronomy meetings to farmers discussion groups. His passion for finding user friendly, practical applications for Precision Agriculture

Technology is what drives him and maintaining an active role in the farm allows him to test first hand any new developments. SoilEssentials has grown into the

leading independent company offering precision agricultural tools in the UK and Europe with a range of services, hardware and software developed in house.

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