A3 Scotland 2024

Committee Member Biography

Mary Thomson

Vice Principal, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)

Dr. Mary Thomson is Vice Principal, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), the UK’s leading agri-food-environment, tertiary education institution. Mary is the executive lead for SRUC’s SAC Consulting; veterinary services, commercial education and skills pathways including apprenticeships, school programmes, CPD and training.
Her previous roles include leading the Rural Skills team at Borders College, Veterinary Co-ordinator to the UK Chief Veterinary Officer and Director and senior clinician in private veterinary practice.

Dr Mary Thomson, a veterinary surgeon with more than 25 years’ experience in UK veterinary businesses, animal health and welfare policy and education sectors, has a people focussed approach to leading complex policy and organisational change and holds extensive experience in senior operational roles in industry, policy and education.
Mary is a Board member at Lantra UK, the land-based sector skills council, Board member for South of Scotland Enterprise (SoSE) and also sits on the Board of Countryside Learning Scotland. Until recently she was also a Postgraduate Dean for the Royal College of Veterinary surgeons, supporting graduates as they transition to the workplace.
Mary is SRUC’s executive lead for widening access and participation, Emily Test and Fair Work First and Chairs the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee.

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